About Brice

Brice Bowhay, Board Certified Structural Integrator

Board Certified Structural Integrator, Licensed Massage Therapist, former E.M.T., and a Certified/Diplomaed Personal Trainer.

The organization for ensuring the community Structural Integrators offer the utmost best care and service.

Feeling safe and content in your body is our human right.

We deserve to be able to access peace and joy.

My goal is to empower, never exploit.
To help your body be a luxurious castle to live in, not a depressing dungeon.
To encourage safety and excited interest your body and mind,
not to ignore your intuition, strengths, passions, and dreams.

I love humor, philosophy, nature, and learning how things work.

I strive to work with humility in a spirit of attentive curiosity with empathy, working with others who are ready to do the same, using the simple innate principles of how your body works best.

My life and passion is to help you find what you are looking for, and help you feel and imagine feeling better than you hoped for.

The reason I love this vocation, instead of chiropractic or traditional physical therapy (which can be helpful too) is Structural Integration yielded such predictable, fast, and simple solutions for my own body, after trying dozens of other modalities.

In the years I’ve practiced, it never ceases to fill me with awe at how prepared our bodies are to heal, by the observable tangible results we experience during and after sessions.

Why I chose this career:

After 10 years as a personal trainer, I still encountered stiffness and pain from a scoliosis which nothing helped (believe me, I tried). My pelvis was twisted, breathing was shallow, sleep was poor, and I always was uncomfortable. I felt trapped in my body, and so frustrated that all of my efforts failed.

I decided to give Rolf Structural Integration a chance, and was shocked to find that I actually felt different after each session.

More than that, it wasn’t just for a day, the results seemed to last, and I felt better and better as I completed the “10 Series” of Structural Integration”. I didn’t realize it was even possible to feel this good again!

I’m thankful to say that, for me, the results have still stuck with me 4 years later.

I was in school, and had completed the pre-reqs for entry into a chiropractic or physical therapy program. Yet I’ve seen practitioners of both, and for me, that wasn’t the easiest big-picture answer. I wanted to provide big solutions for people, and small exercises and adjustments aren’t good enough for me, and many others like me (of course, they have their place!).

This is this first thing I found that Just Works. You can actually feel your body responding “yes” to the contact of a skill practitioner, and when you stand up again, the results speak for themselves. 

I never want to retire, and there is nothing on Earth I would rather be doing that helping my community.


In 2008 I graduated from a prestigious 500 hour program with The National Personal Training Institute and have a diploma for personal training (not just a certificate).

In 2015, I completed a EMT program, stemming from my passion for the human body and helping people.

Then in 2019, I began studying at the world-renowned The Guild for Structural Integration, and began practicing in California.

I then completed all requirements completed the testing and requirements for my title as a Board Certified Structural Integrator, a member of The International Association of Structural Integrators, and am excited to continue to build my practice in beautiful Salt Lake City, my new home.

In 2020, I continue to engage with the Guild to workshop skills, have mentors in a few different states, have completed the EVOLVE with Alex Effer of Resilient Education, understanding and facilitating how we humans are basically anti-gravity pressure regulation machines, and thus apply my understanding of how breath, muscles, and gait all work together to better simply an exciting rehabilative process with all clients.

I continue to draw on many models, philosophies, models, methods, and techniques to better give each client something helpful that clients will remember the rest of your life.

We should never stop learning from each other <3

Curious to see if Brice may be able to help for your unique issues, but you’d like to talk more to see? You can call or text him at (801) 210-1692.